Our Prayer: Holy Spirit, continue to move among us at Light of Christ, that we might always be a vibrant sign of your presence and love in this community and around the world.  It is not in our power to accomplish this work before us, but it is in Your power.  Amen.

    In 2002, the congregation became clear on its mission—"Light of Christ exists to Invite people into Christian community, Nurture them in a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, so they can faithfully and joyfully Serve Him."  With the first word in our Mission statement being "Invite", and our previous church facility on Hanson Road essentially filled to capacity on weekends as well as during the week, the Congregation voted to begin a search for land to relocate, so that we could stay true to our mission.


     After selecting a site that provided proximity to our current location, ease of access, and ample land for further expansion, we began design work.  The Great Recession delayed the process, but did not derail God’s plans.  We waited on His timing.  In 2016-17 we sensed God calling us to move forward.  Our Forward in Faith campaign raised the funds that allowed us to break ground in 2019. 


     Our new campus was completed in the fall of 2020, and while the pandemic delayed our full usage of the space for a while, we were soon able to experience the blessing of this expanded space. And of course, the new technology in this space allowed us to dramatically expand our online ministry. We have since added a Memorial Garden that we are excited for how God will use this space for His purposes in the future. Some of the advantages of this new Church/Ministry Center include: 


  • A strategic location along the new Longmeadow corridor
  • Easy access through three connecting roads to handle daily ministry traffic
  • Expanded worship and welcome space
  • Fully secured entrances and access to the LOC Preschool
  • More gathering space for current and new ministries
  • Centralized office space
  • Additional room for growth.


     We invite you to come and experience this new space, God’s space to minister in this community and beyond.